NYX Professional Makeup Duck Plump Lip Plumping Gloss (Various Shades)

  • Vegan
EUR 12.45


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25% Rabatt! | Code: SONNTAG
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Auf Lager

image 1, infused with spicy ginger instant and overtime plumping. extreme sensation, extreme plumping. image 2, extreme sensation, extreme plumping before and after. image 3, extreme sensation, extreme plumping. image 4, swatches of clearly spicy, bangin' bare, nude swings, apri caught, brown of applause, brick of time, mocha me crazy, mauve out of my way, strike a rose, lilac on lock, pick me pink, bubblegum bae, peach out, hall of flame, twice the spice, wine not, pure plump and cherry spice on three different skint tones. image 5, pair duck plump with line loud for full ducking plump effect. banging fair with ambition statement. nude swings with born to hustle. apri caught with daring damsel. brown of applause with leave a legocy. brick of time with ten out of ten. mocha me cracy with no equivalent. mauve out of my way with magic maker. strike a rose with goal getter. lilac on lock with sassy. pick me pink with trophy lige. bubblegum bae with hottier hijacker. peach out with stay stunin'. hall of flame with on a mission. twice the spice with too blessed. wine not with make a statement. pure pump with optimystic. cherry spice with rebel in red.

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